Wilson Hazing Case

This makes me sick. The boys charged in the Wilson Hazing case are getting off easy.

For those who have not heard about the case, 3 members of the Wilson Highschool Basketball team are said to have beaten and sadomized 3 members of the junior varsity team. Two of the victim's mothers have given details about the case. Apparently they were beaten and had "objects" forced into their rectums while still wearing their pants. Somehow I guess the "pants" make it less of an issue.

One of the alleged attackers is 18 and 2 are 16. They are reducing the charges from felony to misdomeanor. I don't get this. This is not an 18yr senior boy being accused of "endangering a child" because he is dating freshmen or sophomore, a fairly common accurance when I was in highschool. (Three of my girlfriends would have been charged under these circumstances.)

This is flat out assault and some could argue "rape". Would the same hold true if the victims were female? For our country's sake, I hope not.

More reason to vote for Obama in November.

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